This assemblage of books, texts, interviews, comentaries etc. by Félix Guattari will be completed in an on-going process to open access to Guattaris thinking.
Contribution of texts, information and/or on-line sources are warmly welcome!
Texts by Félix Guattari published in English
(2011) The Machinic Unconscious
(2004) The Anti-Oedipus Papers. Collection of texts written between 1969 and 1972.
(1996) Soft Subversions, ed. Sylvère Lotringer, trans. David L. Sweet and Chet Wiener, et al. New York: Semiotext(e).
(1996) The Guattari Reader, ed. Gary Genosko, Oxford: Blackwell.
(1995) Chaosophy. ed. Sylvere Lotringer, New York: Semiotext(e).
(1995) Chaosmosis: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm, trans. Paul Bains and Julian Pefanis, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
(1995) "On Machines," trans. Vivian Constantinopoulos, Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts 6: 81-12.
(1990) "Popular Free Radio," trans. David Sweet, Semiotext(e)[Radiotext(e)] VI/1: 85-89.
(1990) Communists Like Us, (with Antonio Negri) trans. Michael Ryan, New York: Semiotext(e).
(1989) The Three Ecologies
(1985). "Cinematic Desiring-machines," trans. Jon Anderson and Gary Hentzi, Critical Texts: A Review of Theory and Criticism 3/1: 3-9.*
(1984). Molecular Revolution: Psychiatry and Politics. trans. Rosemary Sheed, Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York: Penguin.
(1981) "Becoming-woman," trans. Rachel McComas and Stamos Metzidakis, Semiotext(e) [Polysexuality] 4/1: 86-88. (1978) "Revolution and Desire: An Interview with Felix Guattari [by Hannah Levin with Mark Seem]," State and Mind 6/4 and 7/1 (Summer/Fall): 53-77.
Collaborations with Gilles Deleuze
(1991) What Is Philosophy?
(1986) Nomadology: The War Machine. Translation of chapter 12 of A Thousand Plateaus.
(1983) On the Line. Contains translation of "Rhizome" (1976).
(1980) A Thousand Plateaus
(1975) Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature.
(1972) Anti-Oedipus
Other Collaborations
(2003) The Party without Bosses, by Gary Genosko. Features a 1982 conversation between Guattari and Lula da Silva.
(1986) Molecular Revolution in Brazil. With Suely Rolnik.
(1985) Communists Like Us. With Antonio Negri.